Miguel Alho
Miguel is a full-time, 13-years-in-the-making, software engineer with a DevOps and Craftsmanship mindset. He currently works at FARO Technologies, in Gaia, and is part of the platform team that is bringing supportive services of the core products into the cloud. Previously, he worked mainly as a freelance consultant through his own company, but also worked as a school teacher, trainer and media producer. He is also a founding member of the DevOpsPorto meetup group.He’s a proponent of TDD as a development practice, very fond of microservices, and of automating as much as possible in every part of the product pipeline. Finding ways to augment individual and team learning experiences is a special interest of his. He hopes to someday bring some life back into his blog at miguelalho.pt
Links e Perfís em Redes Sociais:
- Blog: http://miguelalho.pt
Projectos e Contribuições Open Source:
Sessões que já apresentou em eventos da Comunidade NetPonto:
Miguel Alho já apresentou um total de 0 sessões até hoje, nos eventos da Comunidade NetPonto.
Artigos que já escreveu para a Revista PROGRAMAR:
Miguel Alho já escreveu "CALCULAR TOTAL DE SESSÕES" artigos até hoje, para a Revista PROGRAMAR.
- Lista de Discussão: NetPonto, NetPontoNews, e NetPontoJobs
- Twitter: NetPonto, NetPontoNews, e NetPontoJobs
- Apresentações: Slides das Apresentações
- Videos: Vídeos das Apresentações
- Fotos: Fotos das Reuniões
- Membros: Membros da Comunidade
- LinkedIn: Grupo NetPonto
- Facebook: NetPonto no Facebook
- Google+: NetPonto no Google+