Marco Antonio Silva [MSFT]
For the past 2 years I’ve been part of the Microsoft Consulting Services Portuguese Team, working mainly in the Telco and Retail Industries and building some of the coolest things for these customers. As Digital Advisor my work consists of challenging my customers with new ideas and ways for them to take the most out of technology, which for me makes this one of the best jobs in the world. With my free time when I get any I love to hop on my motorcycle, or get my scuba gear and go dive, or gather a bunch of friends and play some boardgames
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Sessões que já apresentou em eventos da Comunidade NetPonto:
Marco Antonio Silva já apresentou um total de 0 sessões até hoje, nos eventos da Comunidade NetPonto.
Artigos que já escreveu para a Revista PROGRAMAR:
Marco Antonio Silva já escreveu "CALCULAR TOTAL DE SESSÕES" artigos até hoje, para a Revista PROGRAMAR.
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